Monday, March 23, 2009

How I Spent My Spring Vacation, Day 1

What, oh Artsy, are you doing on your spring vacation? Well, my young onions, here is a brief synopsis.

1. Taxes! Done!

2. Marking! Done! (Well, this is how much I did today. There's more where that came from, chicken.)

3. Office... well, the office is an ongoing project. Here's the before picture for you, though.

The Wonder Dog was supervising:

"WTF? Get back to work. What do you think this is, a union job?"

And, of course, there was knitting. This is "Everybody Knows" from the winter issue of Knitty, with the body, the left front, and most of the back shoulders finished. I knit on.

Stay tuned for more excitement as we begin "Spring Vacation - Day 2"!!

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